Freitag, 22. September 2017

Never fascism again? We're in the middle of it!

This article was written almost 10 years ago. He seemed exaggerated to some people at the time, but reality shows us that he was rather understated. Since many new and, above all, younger readers have been added to this list, I think it is important to publish this article again. And this time even in English.

Never fascism again? We're in the middle of it!

Einar Schlereth
Published 2009 by Tlaxcala

This article was written almost 10 years ago. He seemed exaggerated to some people at the time, but reality shows us that he was rather understated. Since many new and, above all, younger readers found their way here, I think it is important to publish this article again.

In view of the Nazi and fascist phenomena, intellectuals from the left-wing and left-wing liberal spectrum were not only aware that it could have appeared in this or similar forms in other countries too, but also that it could have reappeared if necessary. If necessary means, if the ruling monopoly capitalist-imperialist class feels threatened and its privileges sufficiently threatened to have to resort to these or similar methods. The constantly heard warning shout "Never more fascism!" had the consequence, however, that they stared hypnotized at the appearance of swastika, National Socialist slogans and skinheads and did not notice how de facto "fascism" spread again and is now firmly established in the middle of us. And by "in the midst of us" I mean the "free" West or the highly industrialized countries led by the United States of America (USA). [1]

In order to exclude errors, I would like to quote the usual bourgeois definition of fascism according to Meyer's Great Pocket Encyclopaedia of 1987: "The ideology was characterized by antimarxism, anti-liberalism, militarism and exaggerated nationalism." According to the same source, "fascism, according to the Marxist view, constitutes a new kind of fascism applied in bourgeois democracies in economic or political crisis situations. Fascism makes it possible to dismantle workers' parties and trade unions, reduce labour costs and increase profitability". Another characteristic of fascism is the principle of leadership, mass party and one-party state. However, this is, as will be shown, of secondary importance. There is no problem without these principles, and the United States is the best example of this. It is not for nothing that Hitler saw the USA as a role model in many respects.

The USA, along with Russia and Australia (Canada as a quasi 51st state of the USA, you don't have to mention it) is the country that was not decolonized after the upheavals of World War I and World War II. The reason is simple: the poor, disenfranchised, partially religiously persecuted people of the Old Continent have dedicated themselves to the extermination of the rightful owners of the New Continent for centuries with such devotion and dedication that hardly any remains. They were thus able to take over an entire continent, i. e. in good German stealing. One of the great mysteries of history is how a state can continue to devote itself to the Holocaust with impunity and at the same time be celebrated as a democracy and constitutional state.

For the rest, Holocaust is not my formulation for the extermination of untold Indian peoples, but that of Leslie Marmon Silkes, author of "Almanac of the Dead" [2]. When Leslie Marmon Silko was attacked at her reading in Hamburg by a - of course white - listener in the ensuing discussion because of her inadmissible wording, she asked: "Why, because we are red?“

But that is the case: Every woman/everyone who criticizes the USA must expect attacks, slander, silence or even the worst. Rolf Winter, former editor-in-chief of Stern and Geo, wrote the book "Ami go Home - Pleading for the Farewell to a Violent Country" [3], in which he proved that the USA is "inherently violent". In a public discussion in Hamburg, the former mayor of Hamburg, Schulz, did not denigrate himself to mention the weekly 5 plates and the chocolate bar in the school meals after the war for the goodness of the USA. Of course, he refused to answer factual criticism. He didn't and no one else did. The book was largely hushed up by the media. It was still sold well.

And that brings us to two key concepts: the media and their state-run role and despite of this. This despite of the state, despite of the violence, despite of the judiciary, despite of the church, despite of he university and school, and - often enough - despite of parents gives us a glimmer of hope (the liberation movements in the 3rd world, 1968, today's global anti-globalization movement, etc.).


Migrators of the ultra-right Flemish party Vlaams Belang demonstrate in Cologne against an anti-Fa demonstration that itself was directed against an anti-Islamic demo. The anti-fascists think they are the real anti-fascists... As far as Ignazio Silone is concerned, he was indeed a very strange "socialist": in his early years as a socialist and later as a communist, he was also a police spy. In his later years, as a "free socialist", he was chairman of the Italian Association for the Freedom of Culture (the Italian branch of the Anticommunist Congress for Cultural Freedom) from 1952 to 1969, and head of the magazine Tempo Presente (Italian counterpart to The Month in West Germany). Both were financed and controlled by the CIA...

Dienstag, 5. September 2017

Stoppa Aurora 17, Stoppa Nato!

Einar Schlereth, tysk invandrare bosatt i Klavreström, har varit på Nej till Nato-möte i Växjö.

Här hans rapport.

Stoppa Aurora 17, Stoppa Nato!
Dessa slogans var föremål för ett evenemang i ETC:s nyöppnade bokcafé i Växjö. Arrangören var den nybildade föreningen KFA (kamp för fred och alliansfrihet), som nu har motsvarigheter under olika namn i ett antal städer i Sverige.

Föreningen bildades med anledning av att Sverige nyligen antog ett värdlandsavtal med Nato, utan egentlig diskussion bland befolkningen.

En av föreninbgens grundare, Ulf Nilsson, gav en kort bakgrund om den svenska alliansfrihetens och fredens 200-åriga historia (fram till Afghanistankriget). Även om alliansfriheten inte alltid skötts invändningsfritt har den på det hela taget varit till svenska folkets fördel: inga likkistor och transporter av sårade, inga sönderbombade städer och ödelagdas landskap.

Olof Palme sade. ”Vad som än kan ske oss kommer vi aldrig att ge upp vår neutralitet och alliansfrihet.”

Men det är redan länge sedan. Sedan dess har socialdemokratiska regeringar under Ingvar Carlsson, Göran Persson och Stefan Löfven samt högerregeringarna Carl Bildt och Fredrik Reinfeldt gjort sitt bästa för att uppnå en anslutning av Sverige till USA/Nato. År 2003 försökte Persson även dra in svenskarna in i euroområdet, men projektet stupade på att en folkomröstning som sa nej.

Men nu har Löfven och hans kumpaner i näringslivet och krigsmakten slutit ett fördrag som är ett hån mot alliansfriheten. När Sverige därefter som en av 122 medlemsstater i FN den 7 juli 2017 röstade för förbud mot kärnvapen har det fått sig påskrivet av USA:s försvarsminister ”Mad Dog” att detta förbud står i konflikt med värdlandsavtalet och Sveriges närmande till Nato.

Värdlandsavtalet tillåter Nato-trupper, vapen och även kärnvapen att placeras på svenskt territorium på ”inbjudan” av den svenska regeringen.[Eftersom Sverige gjort något förbehåll mot stationering av kärnvapen i fred, eller som Finland kategoriskt förbjudit kärnvapen på sitt territorium är kärnvapenhotet reellt.] Sverige kan användas som bas för attacker mot tredje land och därmed bli ytterligare en amerikansk/Nato-bas. Ingen amerikansk/Nato-soldat kan åtalas för brott som begås i Sverige (en klausul som konsekvent tillämpas av USA i alla fördrag).

De senaste åren har den svenska regeringen vid en rad olika tillfällen släppt in Nato att öva och flyga dag och natt högt uppe i norra delen av landet och människor där har inte längre fria att röra sig i sitt eget land. För de renskötande samer har övningarna varit särskilt besvärande.

Värdlandsavtalet sägs vara till för landets säkerhet, men i verkligheten ökar det faran. Blir det krig kommer Sverige att vara en självklar måltavla.

Göteborg är den största djuphavshamnen på Sveriges västkust.
I september genomförs två gigantiska krigsmanövrer - Northern Coasts i Östersjön, en upprörande provokation mot Ryssland precis utanför dess ytterdörr och övningen Aurora 17 i Göteborg på västkusten i tre veckor.

KFA samlar tillsammans med en rad andra organisationer till demonstration och olika aktiviteter i Göteborg den 16 september. Dessa två manövrer, med 20.000 soldater, stridsflygplan och krigsfartyg, är de största övningarna sedan det kalla kriget, och denna galenskap kommer att kosta Sverige drygt en halv miljard kronor.

Översättning från tyska: Stefan Lindgren

Originalet ligger här.

Anmärkning i efterhand:

Det räcker inte med Sverige eftergifter. Nu kräver NATO:s generaler fräckt och kategoriskt att Sverige ska upphöra att verka för ett förbud mot kärnvapen.
Det är upprörande.